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#90Bill Heroes not Zeroes

First Announcement

#90Bill gained public momentum on the 1st of June, 2016.

By 2nd of June, #90Bill of the public, funded by the public, for the public hereby pronounce Oluwasegun Neto as Nigerian and First 9gerian Private Hero 2016.


What this implies is that it is socially criminal to invest or buy elsewhere when a 9gerian can give more than 90% quality performance and more criminal to give less than 90% quality. Take 90, Give 90. You are hereby publicly declared 9gerian.

Celebrate him and remember #90Bill states that “It is a social crime to give less than 90% quality or take less than 9/10  as a Nigerian in every way“. It summarises your Right as a Nigerian to Productivity and Quality.

With Video having over 9,000 views (click link to see his video) and >9/10 creativity and ingenuity, Oluwasegun Neto has the right to invoke the #90Bill in his business. The Right to Productivity and Quality. Congratulations!

Reporting live for #90Bill
Wonuola Olawale



Nominations are by public votes.
Be a #90Bill Hero not Zero.

By Wonuola Olawale

Its all about human sustainability and energy.
Meet WonuOla.OlaWale. She is a social energy entrepreneur. She loves God and his people. She blogs to help "idea" young minds i.e. inspire.develop.employ.activate. She was the Business Intelligence Director/Initiator, now Board Chairperson of her own company, Sixters Energy. She also worked as a Project Manager for RootHub, a fast growing entrepreneurial hub community while she served as a Research Personnel with the University of Uyo in service to her country Nigeria. She has had several international experiences including working with Chevron, interfacing with Shell, and worked on international energy projects across the globe including CCS- carbon capture and sequestration in the United Kingdom, Flow Assurance in China and Enhanced Oil Recovery projects in the United States. She enjoys reading, smiling and meeting people. She's an advocate of gender equity and not equality. An avid supporter of non-stereotypes and a lifestyle of excellence. She is who you want to talk to in developing lasting solutions in the field of energy and human sustainability.

Wonuola Olawale es me llamó

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