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Rethinking your Plans

It can be very tempting to hold on to old plans and think of it as having “great resolve”. However, there are times when you simply are better off shedding off those old no-going-forward plans, restructure them and think of the end in view. What exactly was I trying to achieve in the first place? What value drove me in making the initial plan? How can I improve quickly on the intricate parts and make a better informed pathway to fulfilment? A roof, an antique or a home?PLAN A_B

Here are some few tips I found extremely useful. I hope you do too…

  1. Stop deceiving yourself: I am sure you’re wondering how possible it is to look or steer deeply into your own soul and tell a lie inconsistent with your nature. How is that even sensible? Right? Well, let me tell you an example of a blatant lie you can tell to yourself. “This is just who I am”- Big LIE! When did you become that? How did you become “I AM” that you simply cannot make any improvement? Anyways, start from there and see how that affects your life plans or even small day-to-day executions.
    LIES we tell ourselves
  2. Give in not give up: This one is a bit tricky. The reason is this; there is a very fine line, in fact, almost none between compromise and giving in. Sometimes, however, to make a clearer difference that would suit the line of our discussion on rethinking your plans, we’ll take it that giving in is looking out to a bigger reward by letting go of “something less” while compromise is essentially letting go something grand in return for instant gratification or less reward. Now that we have sorted the difference, you can easily see why giving up your plans entirely is even way more awkward than giving in certain weak areas of your plan in search for a bigger purpose. An example of giving in would be the classic Kung Fu Panda “running away” to his father to learn how to master his chi during a time of war back “home” to found a way to conquer his most powerful foe. That is giving in for good. Not giving up and imagine he ran away to hide and not do anything. Anyway, I am sure you get the point already.never_give_up_quotes
  3. Steer your plan in the course of destination: There are map-use lessons you might find useful. But that’s not the point here, it is about claiming your right as captain and owner of your own life plan. No one else can help steer it. Simple! You own it! You know the destination! So why entrust your plan to someone else thinking they would love it so much and help you with figuring how to get anywhere close to “Canaan”? Well, it doesn’t work that way. Of course, counsels are very important and in fact, when godly and wise, they simply have helped me thus far and even rethinking and avoiding certain road-blocks I might have encountered if I went headlong without guidance. But the point remains that, regardless of how much intel you may require or backup service you get, you still have to own your plan because you are the CAPTAIN, full-stop!You-are-the-captain
  4. Know WHO is in charge: This last one is a bonus to those who care. It is about knowing who is truly in charge… Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and he will establish your plans. Proverbs 16:3  May he give you the desire of your heart and make all your plans succeed. Psalm 20:4 For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:1131128-Henry-Ford-Quote-With-God-in-charge-I-believe-everything-will-work.jpg

See you soon…

Yours faithfully,

Wonuola Olawale.


By Wonuola Olawale

Its all about human sustainability and energy.
Meet WonuOla.OlaWale. She is a social energy entrepreneur. She loves God and his people. She blogs to help "idea" young minds i.e. inspire.develop.employ.activate. She was the Business Intelligence Director/Initiator, now Board Chairperson of her own company, Sixters Energy. She also worked as a Project Manager for RootHub, a fast growing entrepreneurial hub community while she served as a Research Personnel with the University of Uyo in service to her country Nigeria. She has had several international experiences including working with Chevron, interfacing with Shell, and worked on international energy projects across the globe including CCS- carbon capture and sequestration in the United Kingdom, Flow Assurance in China and Enhanced Oil Recovery projects in the United States. She enjoys reading, smiling and meeting people. She's an advocate of gender equity and not equality. An avid supporter of non-stereotypes and a lifestyle of excellence. She is who you want to talk to in developing lasting solutions in the field of energy and human sustainability.

Wonuola Olawale es me llamó

11 replies on “Rethinking your Plans”

Great piece of writing..
Great Message..
To me, No. 1.. stood out the most… learnt sth.
Thanks Ope


Point 2 is the take home for me, ‘Give in not give up’. The Kung Fu Panda example clearly demarcated ‘giving in’ from ‘giving up’; couldn’t think of a better analogy myself. Nice write up.

Liked by 1 person

Nice lines of thought. Weldone Ope.
I reckon that in “rethinking one’s plans”, two things are key;
1. Being open-minded to new possibilities and ideas.
2. Overcoming the Comfort Zone Effect; we often find ourselves making great efforts to maintain the status quo & remain on a more familiar path; we need more faith to break free and explore rather unfamiliar frontiers.
My thoughts Ope🤔
Do have a great day


Really inspiring message.
My take on it is this: Knowing this things is not half-as-difficult as practicing them when the situation shows up hence there is need to keep internalizing them before they are needed.

We can take charge of our decisions though, Man is response-able says a writer…



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